Friday, 2 March 2012

Group: Animatic

This is the animatic we have made of our storyboard.
What is the purpose?
The purpose of creating an animatic was to test whether we will have the correct amount of footage so that the opening is an appropriate length. It was also a good opportunity to test out any effects we might want to use with our footage, such as experimenting with different lengths of takes and cutting rates  to create the most effective atmosphere for a horror opening.

What did you learn in this process?
This process was really useful in learning what lengths of takes and cutting rates work in our opening. We found that it was a combination of short and long takes that worked best; initially very fast for the establishing shots of the corpses to set the tense atmosphere, then slower to build tension as well as giving our protagonists prevalence so that the audience are positioned with them, then fast again during the chase scene to create a paced and suspenseful climax to the opening.

How useful is this exercise?
It is important to remember that our storyboards, although detailed, will not be exact for the footage that we end up filming. The shots may not be the same, or there may be a different number than suggested by this animatic. However, it was very useful to see that we have approximately the right number of shots for a two minute opening. This exercise has also enabled us to visualise our finished opening a little better, which will be useful when filming in our upcoming shoots.

1 comment:

  1. animatic is good girls but you need a more detailed comment with it, questions on VLE
