Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Group: Considering Sound

What dialogue, diagetic and non-diagetic sound are you using in your film?
The dialogue we are using is going to be from the actual camera to give a more realistic feel to it as the characters are supposed to be filming the zombie apocalypse documenting it day by day. There are a few small lines of dialogue within our opening, most notably Alexis' video blog.
Diagetic sound includes their footsteps, the opening of the fridge, the zombie groans and the screaming.
The non-diagetic sound we have in our opening is the soundtrack of suspenseful music. We may also choose to add additional sound effects to add further dimension to our opening, depending on how well the audio recordings turn out in our footage.

What issues do you have with sound?
As we are going to be filming outside for the graveyard, one problem that could occur is any wind or faint voices in the background from the general public, but we are most likely going to have non diagetic sounds over the top to help hide it. Within the house, issues that could occur is any faint noises from the neighbourhood such as cars, or children screaming. While filming, we had to make sure all radios, TVs and people were quiet so it would not intervene with our filming.

Where are you sourcing your sound from?
Most of our dialogue is going to come from the camera, but we were thinking while they are running away from the zombie in the house and struggling to get out of the door, we would have a montage of clips put together switching from different angles and handicam. From one clip, we will detach the audio to play above all clips so the audio runs smoothly and is not cut up.

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