Thursday, 29 March 2012

Group: Audience Research Questionnaire

We have composed an audience research questionnaire to ask audience members after the viewing of our final cut. The questionnaire comes in two parts, questions 1-7 which are filled out as a normal questionnaire, and questions 8-11 which we will be filming the audience responses for.
Audience Research Questionnaire

1)     On a scale of 1-5 (5 highest), did you like the choice of all female protagonists?

1                      2                      3                      4                      5

2)     Was the choice of music appropriate for the genre?

Very appropriate       Appropriate               Neutral            Not appropriate

3)     The zombies were effective in creating fear. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Strongly agree           Agree             Neutral            Disagree        Strongly disagree

4)     On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest), how believable was the character death? [scale]

1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10

5)     Were the titles appropriate for the genre?

Yes                                                                  No

6)     How would you change the pace of the opening?

Faster                                     Slower                                    No change

7)      Rank these aspects of the opening according to how well they added to the feel of the piece? [1 best]
(   ) Make-up
(   ) Costumes
(   ) Locations
(   ) Props

8)     How did you feel about the protagonists? [open question]

9)     How was the dialogue in the protagonist’s main speech successful in explaining the narrative and creating tension? [open question]

10)  What was your least favourite aspect of the opening, and why? [open question]

11)  What was your favourite moment in the opening, and why? [open question]

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